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What is Fashion?

Fashion is a concept that has been the subject of many researches. Fashion is defined as social taste, temporary innovation, which is active for a certain period of time. Therefore, a continuous innovation means change. Although fashion is generally used in the clothing industry, it is actually a word that we can use in every aspect of our lives, such as music, cars, lifestyles, architecture.

Throughout history, people's desire for innovation and change and the need for protection from external factors have led to the formation of clothing fashion as "dressing" in order to be different and to give a message to the outside world. Primitive people's differentiation and decoration of their bodies with various paints and tattoos is thought to be one of the first fashion movements. The "dressing" that has progressed until today has led to the formation of different fashion trends.

With the clothing fashion, each individual creates a new art on the canvas with their clothes, which they change every second, every minute, every day. With our clothes, we give information about our personality, gender, marital status, culture, psychological state and many other messages to the outside world. We convey these messages by carrying them on us, consciously or unconsciously.

Fashion is the style adopted and used by society at any given time. A fashion is always based on a particular style. But not every style is a fashion. Fashion is a social-psychological phenomenon. Style is the work of an artist or modeler. Fashion is the result of social effort and aesthetic imitation. A style is new or old; beautiful or ugly; can be good or bad. A style can remain a style even if it is not accepted or approved, but unless a style is accepted and used by everyone, it cannot become a fashion (Nystrom, 1932).

As NIDIStore, our aim is not only to bring you together with fashion, but also to offer you quality products that will allow you to express yourself.

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